
I was let go from a place, without anyone notfiying me. My concern is that I was in a teacher role.

I interviewed with a Montessori school back in August. They didnt respond until September – which I learned later that they traded admin because they barely, I mean barely, passed state licensing. None of this I knew before hand. I have spent a month working with them, after submitting my finger prints, background etc. This was all after the state mandated online training, of course. I had an inkling something was up, because a co-worker asked why I was suddenly removed from our Work Chat. That morning, i went in, only to see that my PIN to the door didnt work. So obviously I knew by then. But she pulled me into the office and let me know. The thing is, the check they are sending in the mail (I ask for my first check to be sent this way for my own filing reasons) is only $248. Two weeks…

I interviewed with a Montessori school back in August.

They didnt respond until September – which I learned later that they traded admin because they barely, I mean barely, passed state licensing. None of this I knew before hand.

I have spent a month working with them, after submitting my finger prints, background etc. This was all after the state mandated online training, of course.

I had an inkling something was up, because a co-worker asked why I was suddenly removed from our Work Chat.

That morning, i went in, only to see that my PIN to the door didnt work.

So obviously I knew by then. But she pulled me into the office and let me know.

The thing is, the check they are sending in the mail (I ask for my first check to be sent this way for my own filing reasons)

is only $248.

Two weeks at this dismal pay is not $248, and if they only want to pay me for what I clocked in for, when I wasn't allowed to clock in, is a problem. How do i address this?

You guys are my last resort for help.

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