
I was like Boxer

I have come to the startling and depressing realization I was like Boxer the work horse in Animal Farm. I held faith in upper management and worked tirelessly in all that I did. If I felt sick I still Came into work. Worked late. Came in early. Worked a few Saturdays. And after a jarring few months at my work and a lot of self reflection I see I was just like Boxer. Used up. Weary. Manipulated. Conned. I am grateful for this realization but still struggling with the loss of all those years I tried for a company that didn’t care about me.

I have come to the startling and depressing realization I was like Boxer the work horse in Animal Farm. I held faith in upper management and worked tirelessly in all that I did. If I felt sick I still Came into work. Worked late. Came in early. Worked a few Saturdays. And after a jarring few months at my work and a lot of self reflection I see I was just like Boxer. Used up. Weary. Manipulated. Conned. I am grateful for this realization but still struggling with the loss of all those years I tried for a company that didn’t care about me.

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