
I was lured away from my secure job of 5 years by a new company offering me a huge salary increase. After 3 weeks, they let me go and now I’m completely screwed.

I'm a 36 year old single father who recently got full custody of my daughters. I have been a CNC programmer for over 15 years, garnering quite a bit of experience over that time. I'm an expert in MasterCAM and SolidCAM programming software. Beyond that, I was an actual machinist for some years so I actually have specific knowledge as to how these machines work at the operator level. These factors all lead to me being a pretty sought after candidate. My email and phone are always going off with messages from recruiters. Well last year, around October, I was contacted by a former fellow employee about a job opportunity at his current company. My current company at the time was definitely underpaying me, but the job was secure enough and I worked from home 2 days a week. Management had also changed over and became extremely controlling, so I…

I'm a 36 year old single father who recently got full custody of my daughters. I have been a CNC programmer for over 15 years, garnering quite a bit of experience over that time. I'm an expert in MasterCAM and SolidCAM programming software. Beyond that, I was an actual machinist for some years so I actually have specific knowledge as to how these machines work at the operator level. These factors all lead to me being a pretty sought after candidate. My email and phone are always going off with messages from recruiters.

Well last year, around October, I was contacted by a former fellow employee about a job opportunity at his current company. My current company at the time was definitely underpaying me, but the job was secure enough and I worked from home 2 days a week. Management had also changed over and became extremely controlling, so I figured it would be worth a shot to check it out. I had a phone interview, then an in person interview. But at the time they were looking for a programmer/machinist combo (common in the industry to save money), which I was not really looking to do. Keeping myself in the programming realm has only benefited my income and experience so we all decided the fit wasn't right.

Fast forward to June of this year. The company reaches out to me again. By this time, the micromanagement at my current employer has reached a breaking point, and I'm motivated more than ever to walk away. This time though, they want me as a sole programmer. Apparently they hired a consultant which informed them this was the hindrance in their machining departments efficacy, which is 1000% true. They offer me 40% over my current salary, which is obviously life changing money. They want me to come in, do all the programming and have their current guys become just machinists. No problem.

Well, not really. Day 1, I show up and immediately realize there is going to be issues. First, the current guys there are extremely against this shift in the business model. Second, I found out that they fired the father of one of these guys to hire me. And third, they didn't inform me at all of this shitstorm I was walking in to. But I've dealt with strong personalities before, and I am a really easy to get along with guy so I put my head down and get to work. My work ethic and quality had always turned the hardest people against me onto my side. But not with these guys. It didn't bother me though, because management recognized all of this and continually assured me that they were making this shift. That they had my back and to keep doing what they hired me for. So I did.

My programs were coming out, my parts being made and I felt confident. I had only been there 3 weeks and things seemed to be turning around. Then management informed me that the machinists were disparaging my experience to them. This really made me upset because I have been putting my all into this job, trying to secure a better future for my family. How could people be so callous to another person? Especially when I didn't make this choice? But again, management assured me they had my back.

Then yesterday I get brought into the front office and let go. After 3 weeks and 1 day. I'm now unemployed for only the 2nd time ever in my life and I feel so completely distraught. I don't really expect anything from this post. I just wanted to vent my frustration at how a company can upend someone's life with zero empathy. I now need to figure everything out, starting from scratch. Again.

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