
I was ordered to remove my mask during an in person interview today, so I left.

And I do mean I was ordered. It was not a polite request, or even a passive aggressive quip. So I got up and left. The hiring manager (I assume HR, but we didn't get past introducing ourselves) seemed surprised that I would leave and even tried to backtrack, but I didn't stick around to hear it. I did send a message to my original contact on why I didn't go though with the interview. In today's world of phone and video interviews where no mask is required there is no reason to demand to someone to remove their mask in an in person interview other than a power play, and I am way past fucks to give for that BS. Edit: I already did a phone interview, they wanted to meet in person before giving me an offer. Edit: Ordered in the most commanding tone I think he could…

And I do mean I was ordered. It was not a polite request, or even a passive aggressive quip. So I got up and left. The hiring manager (I assume HR, but we didn't get past introducing ourselves) seemed surprised that I would leave and even tried to backtrack, but I didn't stick around to hear it. I did send a message to my original contact on why I didn't go though with the interview. In today's world of phone and video interviews where no mask is required there is no reason to demand to someone to remove their mask in an in person interview other than a power play, and I am way past fucks to give for that BS.

Edit: I already did a phone interview, they wanted to meet in person before giving me an offer.

Edit: Ordered in the most commanding tone I think he could muster, “Before we start, you need to remove your mask now.”

Attempted Backtracking:

I didn't stay long enough to listen to the whole thing, the tone of the interview was not going well. But it was something about if I had a medical condition I could keep the mask on if I had a note on me.

We haven't even gotten to introducing each other, so It was not for a photo for a company ID.

I was told it was a hybrid WFH and WFO situation, not sure how true it was since we didn't get that far.

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