
I was paid $6.18 an hour for 35 hours of overtime what can I do?

I am extremely frustrated. I took this job just to get away from my old one and was told it would come out to $22-24 an hour. I knew it was piece rate but have never done anything for piece rate before. Turns out after taxes for almost 129 hours in two weeks I was only paid just over $1300 making it barely above $10 an hr after taxes. I paid my bills and have not returned to work for them since, but I have to do something our bills aren't going to stop. So I called their hr department to see if they can fix it and was told they discussed it with their lawyers and because it is piece rate pay they only legally have to pay me half the rate of overtime which they didn't even do?? There is no way that is legal…right?? For reference this…

I am extremely frustrated. I took this job just to get away from my old one and was told it would come out to $22-24 an hour. I knew it was piece rate but have never done anything for piece rate before. Turns out after taxes for almost 129 hours in two weeks I was only paid just over $1300 making it barely above $10 an hr after taxes. I paid my bills and have not returned to work for them since, but I have to do something our bills aren't going to stop. So I called their hr department to see if they can fix it and was told they discussed it with their lawyers and because it is piece rate pay they only legally have to pay me half the rate of overtime which they didn't even do?? There is no way that is legal…right?? For reference this is in Oregon and the job was based out of Jackson county. Minimum wage here is $13.50/hr making minimum wage for overtime $20.25. I know I am not the only one who was affected by this at the company a few people left with me and I have seen their pay for overtime as well. Really thinking it might have the potential to be a class action lawsuit but I don't know how any of that works. I know I can file a wage claim but it just doesn't feel like enough after being screwed over so badly. Help me reddit.

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