
I was ripped a new asshole by my boss because I took two hours to respond to an email.

I’ve been at this job for a month. When I started, all they had me do for 2- 3 weeks is shadow my supervisor and coworker. There was no formal training processes. I was told that I’m learning fast and feel trusted to begin working. This is a healthcare advocacy role working with sick patients and families to plan out their care. About two weeks into the role, we had to have a meeting with the COO of the company because weren’t hitting our goal for the month. She basically said that we aren’t working hard enough and that we needed to be in the office everyday making sure we’re getting patients. This is a social work type of role by the way, not sales so it was already rubbing me the wrong way that they were trying to put quotas for how many sick people we need to find…

I’ve been at this job for a month. When I started, all they had me do for 2- 3 weeks is shadow my supervisor and coworker. There was no formal training processes. I was told that I’m learning fast and feel trusted to begin working. This is a healthcare advocacy role working with sick patients and families to plan out their care.

About two weeks into the role, we had to have a meeting with the COO of the company because weren’t hitting our goal for the month. She basically said that we aren’t working hard enough and that we needed to be in the office everyday making sure we’re getting patients. This is a social work type of role by the way, not sales so it was already rubbing me the wrong way that they were trying to put quotas for how many sick people we need to find for the program. That was the first red flag but since I liked my immediate team I just chalked it up to the typical stuff of leadership being out of touch with reality and lacking understanding of how things work in practice.

Because of this meeting, we now are expected to be reaching out to an astronomical number of people on a daily basis on top of the caseload we are working with. These calls can take up to an hour sometimes because we have to discuss complex medical issues and emotional topics with patients and families. I was told to focus on this so that we can meet the quota and to deprioritize other parts of my workload, specifically the email which we get 50-100 of per day. I already expressed to my supervisor that this is what I was having the most trouble with since we get so many and im still learning who everyone is, which are important, etc

She told me it was fine and to not focus on it for now. Yesterday I was calling patients left and right. I got so caught up in this that apparently I missed an urgent email. By the time I came back from lunch, It had been two hours since it was sent. I responded and then immediately received a call from my supervisor im which she berates me for not responding sooner.

I told her I genuinely did not see the email and was trying to prioritize what I was told to. She said me not responding in a timely manner made her feel like I can’t be trusted to do my work when she isn’t there. When I explained the difficulty im having with the emails she said “I get 10 times more than you do and I saw it, so that isn’t an excuse” she then said that i wasn’t even allowed to take a full hour for lunch, even though I have been doing so since I started. She then basically told me that if we don’t get this patient that it’s my fault.

After the call, I told my coworker about this. She said my supervisor “gets like that” sometimes and to not take it personal. She encouraged me to sit down and talk to her about it but I’m on the brink of just saying fuck it I quit.

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