
I was sexually assaulted by my manager

Throwaway for privacy reasons. We recently got a new manager where I work and he got acquainted with all the workers including myself. He seems like a chill guy, if a bit high strung and high maintenance but what manager isn't? Over the few days he's there I notice he gets a bit…close to me. At first it's just being a bit more friendly with me than the others, which I don't mind. Soon it progresses to him rubbing my shoulders and saying what a good job I'm doing. At the time, I thought it was weird but didn't assume anything of it and just wrote it off as overthinking due to social awkwardness. Eventually that turned into outright asking me very sexual questions out no nowhere like if I was a virgin or what my bra size was or even if I liked older guys. (In hindsight this was…

Throwaway for privacy reasons. We recently got a new manager where I work and he got acquainted with all the workers including myself. He seems like a chill guy, if a bit high strung and high maintenance but what manager isn't? Over the few days he's there I notice he gets a bit…close to me. At first it's just being a bit more friendly with me than the others, which I don't mind. Soon it progresses to him rubbing my shoulders and saying what a good job I'm doing. At the time, I thought it was weird but didn't assume anything of it and just wrote it off as overthinking due to social awkwardness. Eventually that turned into outright asking me very sexual questions out no nowhere like if I was a virgin or what my bra size was or even if I liked older guys. (In hindsight this was extra creepy since this guy was like 40 and I'm 18 going on 19). 

This all made me super uncomfortable but I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid people would say I was overreacting. I try to ignore it all but his advances have progressed from suggestive talk to outright touching or even grabbing me. He's putting his hands on my hips and commenting how I'd be the, to quote him, “perfect baby maker”. He's brushing up against my butt and not even trying to hide him touching himself around me. One day he even open hand slapped my butt and just said I should just learn to take a joke when I told him to fuck off. It's getting to the point where everyday I'm asking him to stop touching me and he just laughs it off or goes into some soapbox about how I can't tell him what to do blah blah insubordination blah blah I'll fire you if you talk back to me again blah blah. 

This has been going on for a few weeks now. I've had enough but I know I'm getting fired the moment I open my mouth. One day, I'm cleaning when the manager walks into the area I'm in. I just said a friendly “hi” and wiped down the area when I heard him close the door to the area and my heart dropped as I heard the sound of something unzipping. Almost instantly, he yoinks me by my shirt collar and tries to rip my shirt open from the front (work uniform is a button up). He manages to rip a few buttons off and grabs my chest hard enough to leave bruises. Without even thinking, I took one of the metal platter trays I had stacked (it's a catering job so we have large trays for carrying stuff out) and whacked him in the head as hard as I could. I was shaking by this point and felt like crying, his head had a huge gash, and a few others ran in after hearing the commotion. I don't even register what happened, I just book it to my car and drive home.

 Come the morning, I get a call saying the manager claimed I attacked him and he wants to press charges against me for assault. I'm told not to come in while I'm investigated part of my worries. I overreacted. Its been a few days and I've heard nothing back from anyone and my head is all over the place. I'm still shaking with anxiety. 

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