
I was terminated after 14 business hours.

I am a seasoned paralegal with experience in complex Civil Litigation, Probate Litigation, Estate Planning, Business Formation, and a few other fields. I worked for one particular law firm for two years. I was not only their Senior Paralegal, I wore the hats of HR, Billing, and often Pseudo Associate. I was damm good at my job, but I was exhausted, underpaid, and underappeciated, so I looked elsewhere for greener pastures. In December in began the interview process with a Veterinary Mergers and Acquisition corporation. After a grueling four rounds of interviews, spanning several months, I was offered a job for 50% more salary, extraordinary benefits, a shorter commute, an incredible bonus structure, the works. This was a company that “does good in the world” and I was so damn excited. I felt like this was my dream job. I felt that this is the place I could thrive and…

I am a seasoned paralegal with experience in complex Civil Litigation, Probate Litigation, Estate Planning, Business Formation, and a few other fields. I worked for one particular law firm for two years. I was not only their Senior Paralegal, I wore the hats of HR, Billing, and often Pseudo Associate. I was damm good at my job, but I was exhausted, underpaid, and underappeciated, so I looked elsewhere for greener pastures.

In December in began the interview process with a Veterinary Mergers and Acquisition corporation. After a grueling four rounds of interviews, spanning several months, I was offered a job for 50% more salary, extraordinary benefits, a shorter commute, an incredible bonus structure, the works. This was a company that “does good in the world” and I was so damn excited. I felt like this was my dream job. I felt that this is the place I could thrive and grow. I provided almost a months notice at my employer and accepted the M&A offer.

I started on Monday March 7th at 9:30am. I was taken out to lunch with the General Counsel I now worked for and we clicked. The next day I was again taken out to lunch with the General Counsel and two ladies from the “People and Culture” department. On Tuesday March 8th at approximately 3:00, they fired me, citing that I did not fit their culture and I didn't meet the expectations of a discretionary legal dept. I gave up so much for this position. I banked on the potential of this position. Then my dreams were ripped out from under me and I was left in the dirt.

In all my years in the legal industry, I had never witnessed nor been a part of something so callous. It destroyed me and my confidence. It doesn't matter what field you work in, sales, food service, blue collar trades, or white collar law… you will be exploited, manipulated, and lied too. I left a scathing Glassdoor review, and sent an impressive email to the Talent Recruitment Manager who hired me that reads like an EEOC violation notice. I was so angry I could have spontaneously combusted. Part of me wishes I had.

To LVG, go fuck yourselves.

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