
I was “terminated” from a job that I just started for not being at their beck and call. This was my response.

I worked at a vineyard for two days. They didn’t provide me with a schedule for the upcoming week, so I scheduled other work, and the manager “Marissa” called fired me for not being available. Absolutely absurd. Anyway, I felt like this would fit here, and maybe inspire people to speak up because fuck employers like this. My email to the owners, names changed: Carol and Will,  I felt the need to send you both an email after learning of my termination yesterday. This is not an attempt at salvaging my job, nor is it meant to make anybody look bad, I just want to give my perspective, and make sure all of the information about the situation is known.  I was hired knowing that I would be working one weekend day per week. We decided on Saturday, and I was brought in for training Friday/Saturday of last week. At…

I worked at a vineyard for two days. They didn’t provide me with a schedule for the upcoming week, so I scheduled other work, and the manager “Marissa” called fired me for not being available. Absolutely absurd. Anyway, I felt like this would fit here, and maybe inspire people to speak up because fuck employers like this.

My email to the owners, names changed:

Carol and Will, 

I felt the need to send you both an email after learning of my termination yesterday. This is not an attempt at salvaging my job, nor is it meant to make anybody look bad, I just want to give my perspective, and make sure all of the information about the situation is known. 

I was hired knowing that I would be working one weekend day per week. We decided on Saturday, and I was brought in for training Friday/Saturday of last week. At the end of the day on Saturday, I asked for my schedule for the following week. At this point, Marissa and I had an entire discussion about possible schedule options, which employees preferred which days, the possibility of working every other weekend etc. It was clear that the schedule organization was still in the planning phase, and she promised me she would give the schedule to me the following day (Sunday, 6/5). I left thinking I would get my schedule the next day and be able to plan my week around it. I was prioritizing your schedule first. I did not hear from Marissa at all on Sunday. On Monday I sent her a text asking for the schedule and she said she was busy and was the only one working (I could have worked that day!) but would try to give it to me that afternoon. I still had not heard anything by the end of the day on Monday. At this point I had absolutely no idea if/when I was going to be working. I work part time as a contracted photographer, and that business owner let me know that she had several photo shoots for me that upcoming week and weekend if I was available to take them. Since I still hadn't heard from Marissa, I booked the shoots. I sent her a text letting her know that I was now booked Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, but I would be happy to come in and work any other days that week. I didn't receive a response. 

On Thursday I sent another text asking about the schedule. At that point I was unsure I wanted to continue working at the vineyard, because getting a schedule that late in the week is unacceptable, but I decided to stick it out a little bit longer. After I sent that text, Marissa called me and informed me that I was being terminated due to booking myself for photoshoots on Saturday. I was beyond surprised, because of course I booked photoshoots, I need to make money. Also, Saturday was never made my “permanent” day. I was still in the training phase, and she tossed around so many ideas as far as schedule possibilities that I honestly had no idea what it would look like. She said that the termination was your decision, which also surprised me because neither of you struck me as fickle and reactive, so I came to the conclusion that maybe you don't have all of the information, hence this email. 

I expressed my frustration and surprise about the situation to Marissa and she said, verbatim, “This happens here a lot. If someone isn't 100% committed, Will and Carol just cut them.” Why would I be 100% committed to a job that I have worked for two days, that completely ignored my repeated requests for a schedule? Commitment and respect is reciprocal and I did not receive either. Luckily for me I had other options for income, and I turned to those options when I was left completely in the dark by your management. I would have been stupid not to. If blind trust with no return is what you're looking for in an employee, I'm very glad ties were cut early on, as this never would have worked out. 

I'm not worried about finding employment. There are plenty of places hiring, and I'm very good at what I do. I was eager and ready to work for you. I did everything right. I'm sending this email on the off chance that you didn't have all of the information about how incredibly mismanaged this entire situation was. If you were already aware of all of this, again, I'm glad it worked out this way because you have created a very toxic work environment that I don't want to be a part of. 

The time stamped text messages of my interaction with Marissa are attached.

Best of luck,


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