
I wasn’t nervous for my job interview thanks to this sub

During the pandemic, I began to think a lot about human existence, why we’re here etc. I started looking at theories of consciousness and the multiverse theory, all coming to the same conclusion. That current human society is pointless and fake. We are born through no choice of our own, entering a world that values money and achieving things. As children we’re constantly told to aspire to the next level, and then the next; always ‘what career do you aspire to’, ‘what’s your dream job’. There’s never any sense of achievement when you get there. I’ve been through school, college, a Bachelor’s degree and finally a Master’s, yet that’s not enough for even the most basic jobs. It’s so demotivating. Now it’s just more the same, but now to try and survive, spending 5/7 days of life working some pointless job, competing for It’s frustrating and I just don’t care.…

During the pandemic, I began to think a lot about human existence, why we’re here etc. I started looking at theories of consciousness and the multiverse theory, all coming to the same conclusion. That current human society is pointless and fake.
We are born through no choice of our own, entering a world that values money and achieving things.
As children we’re constantly told to aspire to the next level, and then the next; always ‘what career do you aspire to’, ‘what’s your dream job’. There’s never any sense of achievement when you get there. I’ve been through school, college, a Bachelor’s degree and finally a Master’s, yet that’s not enough for even the most basic jobs. It’s so demotivating.
Now it’s just more the same, but now to try and survive, spending 5/7 days of life working some pointless job, competing for
It’s frustrating and I just don’t care. We’re here to experience the world and consciousness. The earth is beautiful, we’re here existing with complex animals and plants, yet we value money more than anything, something that only has value because we give it value, it’s not real.

Even looking at the evolution of work, prior to the last 100/200 years we had jobs that were meaningful, essential to society. Many people shopped and worked locally to support their community. We didn’t work for large corporations where the majority never meet the people they actually work for, that destroy the planet we love for greed and profits.

Since finding this sub, and also r/collapse , it confirmed a lot of these thoughts, and I realised I wasn’t alone in thinking this. I’m not lazy and a leech on society for thinking like this, I’m realistic.

Anyway, my point.
I received an email with an interview offer last week, I attended it the other day, and I just didn’t care. I spoke to the interviewers like people, not painting them in my head as people who were any more important than me, giving me a ‘chance’. For the first time in my life I was able to reframe the value of the job and the interview in my head, it allowed me to stay relaxed, ironically I probably did better than previous interviews.
I don’t actually want this job, I’m doing it to survive and play the game (building my skills and experience on the piece of paper that is a CV).
An interview should be the job interviewing you. They need the labor and I’m offering it, I know I’m someone who pulls my weight and get the job done well, and if I don’t say the right things to tick the correct boxes for the job, I couldn’t care less anymore.
If I don’t get the job, great, it probably wasn’t for me and I’ll try somewhere else, I’m just not stressing myself anymore over a company or people who will just replace you as soon as you leave.

So, I just wanted to say thank you to this sub, you’ve all confirmed my recent beliefs and helped me build some self-worth. No job or amount of money is worth your health. We’re here to live and experience the universe that we’re so lucky to be on, nothing more nothing less; don’t let the so-called ‘elites’ or anyone else brainwashed by this view tell you otherwise.

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