
I went to work for a place because they made a lot of nice promises. Wow what a 2 months.

So, I went to work in a tire shop trying to advance my automotive career. This shop tells me they supply tire techs (entry level) with basic toolcarts among other things. I get hired. I get all the things. 3 weeks later, they hire 6 new guys. And hadn't bought a single tool cart for these guys to store their tools they buy with their money. I asked management about their carts, they kept saying “We'll get them”. One day they said “We don't know who we're keeping, so we haven't bought them yet”. But the cart they gave me was obviously already heavily used, and they even openly said one of the other carts has gone through 3 or 4 tire techs. So regardless if the guy is fired or not, they still need it for the next replacement. I couldn't understand this. They don't buy new carts for…

So, I went to work in a tire shop trying to advance my automotive career. This shop tells me they supply tire techs (entry level) with basic toolcarts among other things. I get hired. I get all the things.

3 weeks later, they hire 6 new guys. And hadn't bought a single tool cart for these guys to store their tools they buy with their money.

I asked management about their carts, they kept saying “We'll get them”. One day they said “We don't know who we're keeping, so we haven't bought them yet”. But the cart they gave me was obviously already heavily used, and they even openly said one of the other carts has gone through 3 or 4 tire techs. So regardless if the guy is fired or not, they still need it for the next replacement. I couldn't understand this. They don't buy new carts for every single new hire.

They start complaining things are taking too long. Because, none of these guys want to bring their own tools, because they have nowhere to put them.

Well, a month later after all these guys are waiting for their tool carts, management decides $900 high power AC units are a great investment. They bought 2. They could've bought at least 15 of the tool carts they said they'd buy with that money.

So, they set up the $900 AC unit inside of a shop with massive garage doors. No air pressure could build up whatsoever. So the $900 AC unit they bought was useless to us.

When I was hired, it was only 1 guy who had been there for over a year, and a guy they hired 3-4 months ago. And me. Then they hired 6 guys that were terrible choices. All but one of them was fired or quit. I end up quitting. And the last 1 of the 5 also plans on quitting.

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