
I wish I was Like SpongeBob Squarepants. he loves his shitty Job Way More than the average real life person.

But the problem with that is that employers and corporations get some type of Sick Disgusting Pleasure out of seeing their workers being severely overworked and underpaid, and seeing them struggle financially. Trust me. I tried to be a Total SPONGEBOB when I first entered the Workforce at first, when i was like 22, like they expected me to be, but it simply doesn't work. These damn corporations need to pay us more and give us a shitload of benefits if they want a bunch of Happy Go Lucky Spongebobs working for them if they really want something like that.

But the problem with that is that employers and corporations get some type of Sick Disgusting Pleasure out of seeing their workers being severely overworked and underpaid, and seeing them struggle financially. Trust me. I tried to be a Total SPONGEBOB when I first entered the Workforce at first, when i was like 22, like they expected me to be, but it simply doesn't work. These damn corporations need to pay us more and give us a shitload of benefits if they want a bunch of Happy Go Lucky Spongebobs working for them if they really want something like that.

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