
I work 8:30-5 without breaks or lunch

I’m in Ontario, Canada. It’s a slow job, I will give them that, so I am sitting around a lot. I kind of feel like this is giving them incentive to just not give me a break? I truly have no idea what to do or say. If I ask to go on lunch it’s fine and he will let me. But a lot of the time he has me stay in the office and goes out to do stuff, home visits or buy products, etc etc and I’m not allowed leaving. I am alone today until 3:15 and I’m done at 5. I’m fully just sitting at the desk eating my lunch right now and typing this out. He specifically asked me to come in today because he needed to go out for most of the day to run errands and do house calls. He has never once mentioned…

I’m in Ontario, Canada. It’s a slow job, I will give them that, so I am sitting around a lot. I kind of feel like this is giving them incentive to just not give me a break? I truly have no idea what to do or say. If I ask to go on lunch it’s fine and he will let me. But a lot of the time he has me stay in the office and goes out to do stuff, home visits or buy products, etc etc and I’m not allowed leaving. I am alone today until 3:15 and I’m done at 5. I’m fully just sitting at the desk eating my lunch right now and typing this out. He specifically asked me to come in today because he needed to go out for most of the day to run errands and do house calls. He has never once mentioned 15 min break even when I first started. I didn’t think it would be so bad and I never thought it would affect me the way it is, but I’m having to get up to stretch all the time, I come home exhausted and starving. I don’t know what to do or what precious workers have done. It’s only me, and I can’t help but wonder if this is why?

Is this allowed? Should I just ask him when I can go on my lunch before he leaves me alone for a majority of the day? It’s getting ridiculous and I have no idea what to do, especially because he’s doing the “leaving me alone” thing more and more and longer and longer. I am not a healthy person, I have health issues, and I need to eat consistently. I am not, and haven’t for months. It’s really messing me up but I can’t afford to quit and yeah, I have no idea what to do anymore.

Edit: I forgot to mention there’s also no fridge or microwave. My first few days were awkward because I just had a fully melted lunch and again… did not eat 🥲 this is so bizarre and I just don’t know how to address this when food is just………not a thing for this guy???

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