
I work at one of Jeff’s warehouses as a maintenance technician. Our management is forcing us to do some really sketchy and dangerous shit to cover their own ass.

I had to sit in a virtual meeting with all of our regional techs, a bunch of management, and their lawyers. A bunch of techs got in trouble for not locking out machines while working on them, so Jeff is forcing a mass punishment on all of us. Normally, our shifts only have one tech covering the whole building, our supervisors are virtual and cover a region. They decided they wanted to verify every machine was locked out by someone other than the person working on them. You would think that would fall on the managers making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, but no. Instead, they decided that we would upload a photo to a virtual chatroom and another tech, from another site, would verify through a picture that this machine is properly locked out. This is a massive problem for two main reasons. 1) The other tech…

I had to sit in a virtual meeting with all of our regional techs, a bunch of management, and their lawyers. A bunch of techs got in trouble for not locking out machines while working on them, so Jeff is forcing a mass punishment on all of us.

Normally, our shifts only have one tech covering the whole building, our supervisors are virtual and cover a region. They decided they wanted to verify every machine was locked out by someone other than the person working on them. You would think that would fall on the managers making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, but no. Instead, they decided that we would upload a photo to a virtual chatroom and another tech, from another site, would verify through a picture that this machine is properly locked out.

This is a massive problem for two main reasons.

1) The other tech verifying the lock out procedure is likely in another state, they have no idea how many power sources that machine has, and they have no way of actually knowing that this machine is safe. Some random tech is now open to lawsuits if he verifies a machines safety and someone gets killed.

2) Supervisors have been removed from the verification process. They are indemnified from being responsible for the safety of their people. If anything happens, two techs careers will be over and management is magically protected because of plausible deniability.

I am leaving the company this week and I called them the fuck out in the meeting. They were not happy. All these managers and lawyers didn't even quell anyones fears about these pitfalls. They pretty much just gaslighted all of us, told us compliance was compulsory, and that we would be terminated for failure to comply.

I want to call a lawyer or OSHA, I'm not sure who yet.

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