
I work for State government

The building I work is located inside an old mall building, no sunlight or air circulation. They began having sewage issues shortly after I started as well as decomposing rodents. This smell triggered my PTSD. Having lived in an African nation that got ravaged by civil war as a 16 year old I struggled a lot. I still do. They approved an unpaid medical leave and I don’t qualify for FMLA. I don’t have any other source of income. I was in remission from my PTSD for years until the sewage issue kept chipping at me day by day. Now when I go in I start profusely sweating and my BP goes up. I can’t eat, I can’t function normally because ever since my trigger my CNS has been severely out of balance- I am stuck in flight. Doctor agrees that I need to work from home. It’s the only…

The building I work is located inside an old mall building, no sunlight or air circulation. They began having sewage issues shortly after I started as well as decomposing rodents. This smell triggered my PTSD. Having lived in an African nation that got ravaged by civil war as a 16 year old I struggled a lot. I still do. They approved an unpaid medical leave and I don’t qualify for FMLA. I don’t have any other source of income. I was in remission from my PTSD for years until the sewage issue kept chipping at me day by day. Now when I go in I start profusely sweating and my BP goes up. I can’t eat, I can’t function normally because ever since my trigger my CNS has been severely out of balance- I am stuck in flight. Doctor agrees that I need to work from home. It’s the only space I feel safe and where I can begin to heal again. Work denied it, claiming my position is an on sight position. I only deal with coworkers mostly through email and handle the same paperwork the do except they get to work from home as they have different titles. I am about to lose my marriage due to financial burden as well as my insurance and well being.

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