
I work for the USPS. My grandparents who live states away who both are dying from cancer are visiting for the week and I told my job I am unavailable to work my day off, they told me I am “mandated” to work anyway.

I work for the worst possible company, and I’ve been here going on 5 years. My dilemma, is I’m a single, unmarried, 26 year old guy, who last year took out a mortgage and bought my own home. I’m in an unfortunate circumstance, because every fiber of my being is telling me I need to get out of this company, but because I’ve been here so long, it’s hard to find another job lined up that will pay as much starting out, and as much as I want to quit, I’m in a position where I feel like I have no other choice, as I “have” to support myself I’m already living paycheck to paycheck or I will lose everything. I put myself in such a hard position. There isn’t a word to describe accurately enough the intense hatred for the company I work for. My job brings me so…

I work for the worst possible company, and I’ve been here going on 5 years. My dilemma, is I’m a single, unmarried, 26 year old guy, who last year took out a mortgage and bought my own home. I’m in an unfortunate circumstance, because every fiber of my being is telling me I need to get out of this company, but because I’ve been here so long, it’s hard to find another job lined up that will pay as much starting out, and as much as I want to quit, I’m in a position where I feel like I have no other choice, as I “have” to support myself I’m already living paycheck to paycheck or I will lose everything. I put myself in such a hard position. There isn’t a word to describe accurately enough the intense hatred for the company I work for. My job brings me so much stress to the point where it is ruining my life and has taken a toll on my mental health, doing more bad than good, but I feel so stuck and don’t know a way out of it. I thought I was doing the right thing in life and it would all pay off, but I am literally becoming mentally unfit from all the stress and exhaustion. I have lost all my friends, I have been projecting my stress onto others, I’m so irritable and losing it, I’m alone, I no longer have a social life. I’m not lazy, I am a hard worker, I have been dedicated to this company, I’ve been giving them my all, worked constant overtime, let them use, abuse, and fuck me for years and do whatever they want to me, I simply can’t handle it anymore or I’m going to end up killing myself. They’re killing me. I mean that genuinely. The USPS is such a seriously disgusting place. The things I have seen them do to people, the way they treat their employees, the overbearing work load and never able to hire enough people is crazy. They really have the genuine attitude that they own you, and you are expected to have no life. So much mandated overtime. It doesn’t matter if your family is dying, if you’re dealing with stuff in life, they tell you to come in, they treat you like a slave. What do I do. How do I get out of this and get myself and my life back. I sometimes think I’d rather be homeless because at least I’d have my peace. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work and have the things I do and don’t want to sound so inconsiderate I know there’s so many less fortunate but I’m going to end up killing myself. I’m just looking for some kind of advice. I’m so unhappy and overwhelmed and stressed out.

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