
I work in HR management and “compliance”: fired 7 people this week and denied benefits for about 9 former employees.

Today, I came back home and noticed I suddenly lost admin access and privileges while checking some work emails, thought it was some internet or connectivity issue — called company IT and was ignored. Then, I check my personal email and notice an email. I open it and apparently I've been terminated from my position. By email. Effective immediately the moment I punched my last clock out from the office. As far as I know, I have no negative performance reviews, there was literally no warning, no red flags, no PIP, no two week notice, nothing. Just like that I'm out. Maybe it's karma for my past sins as a good little Eichmann for HR, maybe it's some grudge I wasn't aware of that I was naively blind of, who knows, or maybe it's just another day in corporate America.

Today, I came back home and noticed I suddenly lost admin access and privileges while checking some work emails, thought it was some internet or connectivity issue — called company IT and was ignored.

Then, I check my personal email and notice an email. I open it and apparently I've been terminated from my position. By email. Effective immediately the moment I punched my last clock out from the office.

As far as I know, I have no negative performance reviews, there was literally no warning, no red flags, no PIP, no two week notice, nothing. Just like that I'm out. Maybe it's karma for my past sins as a good little Eichmann for HR, maybe it's some grudge I wasn't aware of that I was naively blind of, who knows, or maybe it's just another day in corporate America.

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