
I Work Part-Time and Live Frugally/ Why does this upset people?

I originally went to college fresh out of high school. I eventually dropped out and started working full-time for a big box retailer. I stayed for 15 years, for many of which I regretted dropping out of college and felt terribly unfulfilled by my work. I'm close to 40 now, started college again, work part time, live frugally and am happy despite the credit debt(working on this!) that squeezes my budget tightly. My spouse who is in grad school is consumed with financial anxiety and thought I should be picking up the slack by working a second job even though she refuses to cut out expensive vices and certain luxuries. I know myself, and know my limits/boundaries and know what happens to my mental health in certain work environments and not having any free time. Needless to say, we separated. I live with roommates now and my budget is even…

I originally went to college fresh out of high school. I eventually dropped out and started working full-time for a big box retailer. I stayed for 15 years, for many of which I regretted dropping out of college and felt terribly unfulfilled by my work. I'm close to 40 now, started college again, work part time, live frugally and am happy despite the credit debt(working on this!) that squeezes my budget tightly. My spouse who is in grad school is consumed with financial anxiety and thought I should be picking up the slack by working a second job even though she refuses to cut out expensive vices and certain luxuries.

I know myself, and know my limits/boundaries and know what happens to my mental health in certain work environments and not having any free time. Needless to say, we separated. I live with roommates now and my budget is even less complicated. I have found some family, friends and even strangers are infuriated that I am not working more (despite the fact that I'm a full time undergraduate student).

My life trajectory is a little backwards but working so well and I feel calm, content and fulfilled. Why does this bother people so much?

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