
I work with my wife and her lower level supervisor just asked if she hits me at home

My wife (21F) and I (25F) work together (but in different departments) at a local insurance TPA. I have only worked there for about 3 months but I love the culture of my department and the upper management mostly just leaves us alone so when my wife was laid off a few weeks ago I suggested she apply to work at my company just in a different department. She started about 2 weeks ago and her trainer has been absolutely awful. She has made little comments and micro-aggressions about our queerness since she started. However, today she took it to a new level when she asked my wife if she ever hits me at home. My wife (understandably so) was horrified and deeply uncomfortable. I immediately suggested going to HR but the thing is, my wife has already reported to her manager (much higher position than the supervisor in our…

My wife (21F) and I (25F) work together (but in different departments) at a local insurance TPA. I have only worked there for about 3 months but I love the culture of my department and the upper management mostly just leaves us alone so when my wife was laid off a few weeks ago I suggested she apply to work at my company just in a different department. She started about 2 weeks ago and her trainer has been absolutely awful. She has made little comments and micro-aggressions about our queerness since she started. However, today she took it to a new level when she asked my wife if she ever hits me at home. My wife (understandably so) was horrified and deeply uncomfortable. I immediately suggested going to HR but the thing is, my wife has already reported to her manager (much higher position than the supervisor in our company) and was told it would be handled but the behavior only seemed to get worse. Not to mention, our HR is only one person and they usually joke along with the locker room talk and inappropriate jokes so she is worried that nothing will be done about it.

What should we do? We don’t want to lose our jobs because it has been a really rough financial year for us and our area barely ever has other openings. We have bills to pay but this is just too much to deal with.

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