
I worked at a job for 3 years with no issues before they decided to start randomly punishing me.

it's one of those classic big box retailers. probably one of the ones that you're thinking of. i worked in the electronics section, being one of maybe 2 or 3 people total, since turnover rate in the store was crazy, so i was often there every day of the week. i never showed up late, rarely ever called out, picked up shifts, helped my coworker's workload, no problem. the job did a permanent number on my body and i'm chronically disabled now in my early 20s, but i still never complained to them and did my job as needed. but then 2020, of course, i got covid there almost immediately after it was known to reach my state. while laying sick in bed, constantly fighting asthma attacks, i got calls from HR asking me to get doctors notes (though later would tell me it was childish to bring in a…

it's one of those classic big box retailers. probably one of the ones that you're thinking of.

i worked in the electronics section, being one of maybe 2 or 3 people total, since turnover rate in the store was crazy, so i was often there every day of the week. i never showed up late, rarely ever called out, picked up shifts, helped my coworker's workload, no problem. the job did a permanent number on my body and i'm chronically disabled now in my early 20s, but i still never complained to them and did my job as needed.

but then 2020, of course, i got covid there almost immediately after it was known to reach my state. while laying sick in bed, constantly fighting asthma attacks, i got calls from HR asking me to get doctors notes (though later would tell me it was childish to bring in a doctor's note like it would excuse my absence), quizzing me on where i couldve possibly gotten sick other than work, if i really wanted to stay home, why i was sure it was the workplace, etc (when i already worked overtime as is and physically couldn't spend time anywhere other than at work and at home).

months later, i get hospitalized from covid complications. i call a manager and let him know specifically i wasn't going to be there that day, or the next. call four times throughout the next day just to make sure they remember, no answer. text someone who's on shift to make sure the closing manager knows i'm hospitalized and can't come in. what happens next? i get written up, no-call no-show, because i still technically didn't communicate to them that i wasn't coming in. and the previous manager happens not to remember me saying i wouldn't be in, so obviously i didn't.

and then it was just constant passive aggression after that, looking for any excuse to chastise me, write me up, or make my job harder. calling out for me over the walkie every time i went to the bathroom, denying random days in requested vacation weeks off so i couldn't actually take them, constantly approaching me on my breaks to know the exact minute i'd be back out, and of course, writing me up 2 more times over not being able to take a break within the first six hours of my shift, despite there being not a single person they can provide to take over for me. for what reason, i have zero idea. i don't know if they were just getting agitated with my disabilities post-covid or if they were just trying to keep me on my toes.

when i quit, which was easily the best day of my life? it was a shit show. they had nobody to cover our section anymore since my area required extra knowledge, extra work, and being able to hover around that single area with keys whilst doing other things all day long. they tried getting another guy to split between my area and his, he had enough and quit weeks later. my replacement didn't have any time to train under me and hated the job, also quit. replacement for my replacement got fired. i didn't stick around long enough to figure out what happened after that.

and the sad thing is, i loved the job. my coworkers were great, i felt comfortable there, and at the very least, it kept me active and that helped to some degree. It's not a bad job at all despite being retail — and all i did was move on to a competitor that lets me sit, and now magically my quality of life is immensely better.

if it had been just 3 abusive managers shorter, or had an actually helpful HR, or if they had even slightly tried accommodating the sicknesses/chronic pain i got by working there, I'd have never left. i'll never understand the power trip they get on making their employees miserable coming into work for no reason. middle managers, man.

TL/DR: quit the job that causes you to get sick and hurt, then gets pissed at you for being sick and hurt. they wont learn, but, it'll feel good to leave.

love you, antiwork.

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