
I worked two different jobs (including a law firm) and I still haven’t been paid for either.

What's up y'all, another young worker in the US getting royalty fucked by late stage capitalism. First place was this internship that was a illegal unpaid internship sponsored by my school. in a settlement from a lawsuit against the company. But they are a stinking ship (my opinion ) and the settlement processes been dragged out. ​ the next job was at a damn law firm as a paralegal. worked there for a month after being fired for not knowing how to fix the ancient fax machine. From July to august I never even received my first paycheck, or the ones following despite me asking and a voice mail from nearly two weeks ago telling me they'll get them. ​ Not only was I fired due to this and dumb office politics, I now can't buy my medication I need for my skin, I can't get any gas in my…

What's up y'all, another young worker in the US getting royalty fucked by late stage capitalism.

First place was this internship that was a illegal unpaid internship sponsored by my school. in a settlement from a lawsuit against the company. But they are a stinking ship (my opinion ) and the settlement processes been dragged out.

the next job was at a damn law firm as a paralegal. worked there for a month after being fired for not knowing how to fix the ancient fax machine. From July to august I never even received my first paycheck, or the ones following despite me asking and a voice mail from nearly two weeks ago telling me they'll get them.

Not only was I fired due to this and dumb office politics, I now can't buy my medication I need for my skin, I can't get any gas in my car, or a hair cut and down to my last pair of jeans with bills coming the end of the month. Now I have to fill out an unpaid wage form from my state that could take weeks and months while im stuck in financial limbo. That and I'm scared to go up against them since the ones not paying me for my wages ARE ACTUAL ATTORNEYS.

I truly hope everyone gets a nice union job they deserve, this shit sucks.

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