
I would rather die than work

Basically what it sounds like. I have a couple passions, and barely any of them are profitable enough for a business. I like motorcycles, tattoos, weed, video games, hanging out with buddies, working out, and having sex. I always thought I was gonna be extremely rich or extremely poor, free either way but rn it's looking like the ladder. It's not bc of my work ethic or anything, the only job I could get was at target so I'm a night stocker. I make like 2,000 a month plus my gf makes 1,500 but we spend it all on rent, food and payments like car insurance etc. I have no option, cost of living is getting so high in the US and federal min wage hasn't changed since 2009… No matter how hard I work i'll never be able to get rich in corporate America. I used to model in…

Basically what it sounds like. I have a couple passions, and barely any of them are profitable enough for a business. I like motorcycles, tattoos, weed, video games, hanging out with buddies, working out, and having sex. I always thought I was gonna be extremely rich or extremely poor, free either way but rn it's looking like the ladder.

It's not bc of my work ethic or anything, the only job I could get was at target so I'm a night stocker. I make like 2,000 a month plus my gf makes 1,500 but we spend it all on rent, food and payments like car insurance etc. I have no option, cost of living is getting so high in the US and federal min wage hasn't changed since 2009… No matter how hard I work i'll never be able to get rich in corporate America.

I used to model in my home country but made like 1,000 dollars a month and it wasn't enough. Mid 20's, pretty fit dude, very introverted, I overthink way too much and I like writing. I didn't go to college, because I couldn't afford it and fuck the system for making it so expensive. I'm in zero debt, but I also have zero credit bc I don't believe in credit cards, I bought my current car outright and have basically no money saved.

I'm a free spirited guy and I have no pets or kids just me and my gf. Literally just wanna say fuck it all and quit everything and try to make it starting a dispensary in Bangkok. I have a buddy who makes 5-10k a month USD revenue off his dispensary. I love weed, why not.

Hard work is dead, like it or not. I have another buddy who makes tik toks. These vids take him maybe 5 mins to make. He has 90k followers. Just got sponsored by YoungLA yesterday, made 4k in a day from his promo code.

It's all about luck so why not just sit back and enjoy the passing of time bc we're all gonna die anyways, why work for the corporate cock monkies if we can just enjoy life.

I think i'm just gonna spend the rest of my life eating healthy, getting shredded, playing video games, smoking weed, and maybe having kids. I think the less you care the more you make anyways. I'll prob finally stop giving a shit about getting a lambo and then accidentally make 30k a month or some dumb shit.

Anyways piece out guys I hope you enjoyed that, feeling a little stoic since i'm high rn and I love this sub reddit, u guys r the shit.

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