
I wrote this little monologue about being raised as a cog in the machine

At school we learn the letter a, then b, then c, and so on. Months go by and we're able to form sentences, paragraphs even. We are taught a code which our discourse must remain true to. Everything we have to say falls into place from 26 letters. Our present selves are determined by a pre-existing code of conduct. The information we consume growing up feeds us, and in return we provide for its legacy by passing it on. Therefore every last inch of us is already coded by the ideals that we were introduced to at the very beginning. We are told that immigrants steal our jobs We are told separatist ideals are desirable We are told to distrust, to compete, to work ourselves to the bone for the greater good. This is our alphabet, and this is our prison

At school we learn the letter a, then b, then c, and so on. Months go by and we're able to form sentences, paragraphs even. We are taught a code which our discourse must remain true to. Everything we have to say falls into place from 26 letters. Our present selves are determined by a pre-existing code of conduct. The information we consume growing up feeds us, and in return we provide for its legacy by passing it on. Therefore every last inch of us is already coded by the ideals that we were introduced to at the very beginning.

We are told that immigrants steal our jobs

We are told separatist ideals are desirable

We are told to distrust, to compete, to work ourselves to the bone for the greater good.

This is our alphabet, and this is our prison

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