
I’d rather feel purposeful at my job than bored

I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I would much rather feel purposeful and useful at my job than sit around, do nothing and be bored. At the very least, I’d hope it makes me feel like I’m adding something to the world rather than just taking up space, contributing to corporate greed and performing the schlep of a 9-to-5 job. At my current job I make decent enough money but damn I don’t do anything and it kills me inside. So yeah, I’d way rather have stuff to do and feel like I’m there for a reason rather than just showing up to clock in and clock out.

I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I would much rather feel purposeful and useful at my job than sit around, do nothing and be bored. At the very least, I’d hope it makes me feel like I’m adding something to the world rather than just taking up space, contributing to corporate greed and performing the schlep of a 9-to-5 job. At my current job I make decent enough money but damn I don’t do anything and it kills me inside. So yeah, I’d way rather have stuff to do and feel like I’m there for a reason rather than just showing up to clock in and clock out.

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