
IDK if real company but this is the second time they’re wasting my time

Email thread from this company. Oldest at bottom, on mobile sorry. Interviewed initially with them months ago but I turned down as it was lower level and lower salary. Then I get apaches about this which is higher tier, but getting nothing after they first emailed over indeed. Fuck them From: —– Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2022, 7:02 PM To: —-.> Subject: Re: Indeed contact I'm not sure I understand. You say you're actively looking for someone for the long term. You said initially you looked my info. I've expressed interest in the position. But you've not scheduled an interview, asked any questions, or put me in contact with anyone regarding next steps. This is why I asked if you're actually hiring. If you're not going to actually attempt to recruit, please do not waste my time, as time is money, andi can already see I've eaten enough of…

Email thread from this company. Oldest at bottom, on mobile sorry. Interviewed initially with them months ago but I turned down as it was lower level and lower salary. Then I get apaches about this which is higher tier, but getting nothing after they first emailed over indeed.

Fuck them

From: —–
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2022, 7:02 PM
To: —-.>
Subject: Re: Indeed contact

I'm not sure I understand. You say you're actively looking for someone for the long term. You said initially you looked my info. I've expressed interest in the position. But you've not scheduled an interview, asked any questions, or put me in contact with anyone regarding next steps. This is why I asked if you're actually hiring.

If you're not going to actually attempt to recruit, please do not waste my time, as time is money, andi can already see I've eaten enough of it since it's not going anywhere.

Thank you for the consideration, but I'm not longer interested, even if by some miracle it was double my current salary.

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From: —–.>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2022, 10:17 AM
To: ——-
Subject: RE: Indeed contact



At the moment we are actively looking to bring someone onboard for this role. We are looking to bring someone in for long term to work with one of the clients we have in this area to provide IT support.


From: ——
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2022 9:44 PM
To: —–.>
Subject: [External] Re: Indeed contact


ATTENTION: This email was sent from outside our organization to you. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email originates from a known sender and you consider the content as safe.

Good afternoon, —–,


Is your company actually hiring? I've heard a lot about recent company hiring freezes and/or cutbacks and I just want to be sure this would be a sure move. 


Please let me know if you need anything else from me.


Thank you,




From: —–
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: Indeed contact


Thank you for the reply. Sorry for the delay, when does that position need to be filled?

 ————-my info deleted ——–

Let me know what you need from me, interview-wise, and if still interested, and I would be happy to further discuss!


Thank you,




Sent: Friday, August 5, 2022, 11:37 AM
To: —
Subject: RE: Indeed contact


Okay yeah, so with this role you will be working at one location providing level 3 desktop support. You would be assisting end users at the location with hardware or general software support also handling any escalations that may come in. This will be a permanent full-time role, 8-5 and being a full-time employee of —- you will receive benefits as well.


From: —
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2022 11:54 AM
To:  <>
Subject: [External] Indeed contact


ATTENTION: This email was sent from outside our organization to you. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email originates from a known sender and you consider the content as safe.

Good morning, —,


I appreciate the contact and I wanted to reply confirming my interest. Can you share a few details about the position? Is this based at one location, or would it be on behalf of several locations where I would go where needed that day or week?


Thank you,



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