
Idk if this counts as a safety issue, but I don’t like it.

For context, I’m an apprentice electrician at a new job site. Me and another guy are scoping out a place and it is a wreck. Mice everywhere, black widows and brown recluses are everywhere we need to be, and I’m freaking out bc I hate those things, but the other guys like “it’s the trade suck it up”. Like leave my arachnophobia alone it’s bad enough I’m worried about getting sick here

For context, I’m an apprentice electrician at a new job site. Me and another guy are scoping out a place and it is a wreck. Mice everywhere, black widows and brown recluses are everywhere we need to be, and I’m freaking out bc I hate those things, but the other guys like “it’s the trade suck it up”. Like leave my arachnophobia alone it’s bad enough I’m worried about getting sick here

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