
If a job is essential to run society, it should be paid in a manner that allows its person to thrive. Not just survive.

I’m so tired of arguing with fucks on the internet about this. If there is a steady line of people just open and ready to take these jobs, why is literally every single one understaffed. How the absolute fuck did we see the devastating effects that a depleted workforce has on the economy in 2020, with people having to risk them and their families lives, for 10/hr, getting hurled words like “essential”, only to pick up this shitty attitude of “youre not worth more pay” two years later. If you set foot in a store, warehouse, coffee shop, restaurant, order off amazon, or consume literally anything, and you do not value the work that goes into it, you do not deserve these things. I just. Dont. Get. It. “Anyone can do it” is simply not true. A CEO couldn’t do a day in what their bottom level workers do. This…

I’m so tired of arguing with fucks on the internet about this. If there is a steady line of people just open and ready to take these jobs, why is literally every single one understaffed. How the absolute fuck did we see the devastating effects that a depleted workforce has on the economy in 2020, with people having to risk them and their families lives, for 10/hr, getting hurled words like “essential”, only to pick up this shitty attitude of “youre not worth more pay” two years later.

If you set foot in a store, warehouse, coffee shop, restaurant, order off amazon, or consume literally anything, and you do not value the work that goes into it, you do not deserve these things.

I just. Dont. Get. It.

“Anyone can do it” is simply not true. A CEO couldn’t do a day in what their bottom level workers do. This is a shit argument in general. When I leave my shitty job, SOMEBODY is going to HAVE to fill it. Its crucial for the building to run and for people to use the space. If there were no janitors to clean, none of us would be working period. If there was, as they apparently believe, “always someone available to do it”, why does my company not hire any replacements for 5+ months?

I also dont get the argument that “these jobs are made for people to start out on, not continue through their lives”. The why is every single person I work with older than me? How do you expect young people to get anywhere if they are bogged down by having to work two jobs and a disgusting amount of hours a week? When they are plagued by financial instability?

I cannot with this mentality amongst conservatives that nothing is ever wrong. Anything that is wrong or that you have a demand for is out of greed and selfishness, and you should just “find a better job”. Absolutely nothing from the outside affects your current reality. There are no outside forces that propel your life one way or the other, according to them. Its all in your mindset.

Crickets when I mention teachers are making 32k.

Its sickening that we’ve been taught that these jobs deserve shit pay. Its just sickening. Meanwhile rich fucks who haven’t lifted a finger since their 20s continue to get fat in their pockets and hoard wealth they will never spend.

I did not watch earnest, hardworking people in my life get fucked over and over again just for some chuds and grotesque senators call them “replaceable”, “insignificant”, “low value”. After two years of demanding that they show up to work and sacrifice grandma for the sake of the economy, just to turn right back around to calling is worthless and unvalued.

My anger at the state of this is beginning to curdle into something violent.

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