
If Aaron Rogers worked for the next 1,600 years at his NFL high salary $50 million /yr and saved every penny he made post tax he still would not have as much money as American Oligarch and New Denver Broncos Owner Rob Walton has from exploiting WalMart workers

Stats used: Rob Walton has $57.8 billion in Net Worth according to Forbes Aaron Rogers makes $50 million a year so with a tax rate of 37% federal taxes and 7.6% he takes home roughly $28Million. These are estimates, don't @ me, the point is this is absurd. I think its hard for some people on here to realize how much a billion dollars actual is. They think millionaire is similar to billionare. Not at all. American Oligarch Rob Walton this week is using 4 and a half billion (thats right billion, with a B) dollars he exploited from WalMart workers to play Sims with an NFL football team. So what extreme talent does Rob Walton have? What has he done to earn those billions of dollars? He was born to Sam Walton. And he was voted the worst of the 1%. No one exploits their workers more than WalMart.…

Stats used: Rob Walton has $57.8 billion in Net Worth according to Forbes

Aaron Rogers makes $50 million a year so with a tax rate of 37% federal taxes and 7.6% he takes home roughly $28Million.

These are estimates, don't @ me, the point is this is absurd.

I think its hard for some people on here to realize how much a billion dollars actual is. They think millionaire is similar to billionare. Not at all. American Oligarch Rob Walton this week is using 4 and a half billion (thats right billion, with a B) dollars he exploited from WalMart workers to play Sims with an NFL football team.

So what extreme talent does Rob Walton have? What has he done to earn those billions of dollars? He was born to Sam Walton. And he was voted the worst of the 1%. No one exploits their workers more than WalMart. The whole company was started on the concept. Sam Walton lost a case against the US Labor Department for not paying workers minimum page, that was from the beginning. Today in the US, there is no company with as many workers on food assistance programs as WalMart. They routinely ask people to clock out and work off the clock, violate labor laws, and make pregnant woman work with dangerous chemicals or else lose their job]( Thats not even as bad as the workers they enslave hire in places like Bangladesh in subhuman conditions. All of that money was exploited from the WalMart workforce.

So where did it go? A kind corporation with public safety and your best interest at heart? Hardly. Statistics tell us that WalMart brings a net economic negative to a community, not a positive. There is even something called the WalMart Effect, did you guys know this shit? Its on Investopedia, look it up:

When WalMart comes into a community they force smaller retailers out of business and there is a reduction in overall wages in the community.That should piss a lot of people off in r/antiwork by itself.

So what about the people that get this money? They must be stoked right, happy kind benevolent people? Nope. Think again. The Waltons and Kroenkes are shitty, shitty, people. You can objectively say that. But they do have a yacht worth $150 million that has its own waterfall, thats philanthrophic right?

Stan Kroenke owned the Rams and demanded $700 million from a city that couldn't pay it. He wanted them to pay him, the billionaire instead of spending it on schools or policing or public services. When they didn't cave to his blackmail he moved the team to LA. Source

Rob has houses in Aspen, Colo., and Paradise Valley, Ariz., at least a half dozen vintage cars, 1,500 acres of land in Hawaii for a mega resort.

They have yachts and mansions oh and if you are wondering how Rob Walton spent $15 million a few years ago? He bought a rare Daytona Coupe, one of only five ever made worth $15 million and drove it off road and crashed it, burning through millions of dollars in mere seconds Thats where all the money goes that was exploited off the backs of WalMart workers. The ones that were chronically overworked, the ones that were made to clock out and work off the clock, the pregnant ones that were told you still have to be around the dangerous chemicals even though you are pregnant.

Juxtaposition Aaron Rogers with Rob Walton. Now, to be honest, I don't like Aaron Rogers. And being from KC I wanted to use Mahomes, but Rogers is paid more. Much more. More than anyone in the league. And I was at a game in Arrowhead one time when he threw a pass falling down into the back of trt, you would be hard-pressed to find many signs of his outrageous wealth.he endzone, God damn that was one of the best plays I've seen of my life. So arguments aside we can all say he is one of the best players in the league. The tax rate for him is 37% at the Federal Level and 7.6% in Wisconsin so Im saying if he saved up every penny he ever made for the next 2,000 years he would still be 70 years short. The highest paid player in one of the worlds toughest sports working every day for the next 2,000 years saving every dime he ever made would not be enough to equal a man just born into wealth. Something to think about.

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