
If Congress passes a new labor rights bill what should it include?

Some of my ideas 1) 8 weeks paid vacation and vacation time is auto approved. 2) Unlimited sick days 3) 18 months maternity and paternity leave. 4) Paid 30 min break hour break every 4 hours of work. With 1 paid hour break for lunch every 6 hours. 5) Health insurance for all employees. 6) Paid travel reinvestments for travel to and from work. 7) Lunch provided by employees. 8) overtime after 25 hours 9) $18 and hour minimum wage it goes up 1 dollar every year. These are just a few improvements that will increase productivity and provide proper human rights for employees. What would you add?

Some of my ideas

1) 8 weeks paid vacation and vacation time is auto approved.

2) Unlimited sick days

3) 18 months maternity and paternity leave.

4) Paid 30 min break hour break every 4 hours of work. With 1 paid hour break for lunch every 6 hours.

5) Health insurance for all employees.

6) Paid travel reinvestments for travel to and from work.

7) Lunch provided by employees.

8) overtime after 25 hours

9) $18 and hour minimum wage it goes up 1 dollar every year.

These are just a few improvements that will increase productivity and provide proper human rights for employees.

What would you add?

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