
If I get asked questions about my job after I quit, should I be honest?

I'm quitting my job soon. I liked the day-to-day tasks my role entailed. I didn't like the people (most of them), lack of boundaries, sexual perversion, or blatant disregard management had for our safety. I'm going to grad school so I MAY need this employer as a rec for the future. I'm not sure yet. Should I be honest? Or I guess, how honest should I be about my feedback?

I'm quitting my job soon. I liked the day-to-day tasks my role entailed. I didn't like the people (most of them), lack of boundaries, sexual perversion, or blatant disregard management had for our safety. I'm going to grad school so I MAY need this employer as a rec for the future. I'm not sure yet.

Should I be honest? Or I guess, how honest should I be about my feedback?

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