
If someone quits and they make me do all that persons work should I get a pay bump?

If coworker quits or gets let go, and then company makes you do all or some of that former persons workload, aren’t you entitled to a raise or pay bump? Option A: say ok fine, do the extra work, for no extra money Option B: tell them no unless you get a pay bump raise, they still say no raise Option C: tell them no unless you get a pay bump raise, they say ok yes here’s x more $ Usually it’s option A or B At one of my former J2s, every time someone quit (was usually the same few roles under the same few managers had a lot of churn), I was the one to pick up the slack for some of that roles tasks and responsibility for NO EXTRA MONEY. THEY JUST ADDED ON MORE WORK FOR ME. I ain’t this super manipulative, even after I ask…

If coworker quits or gets let go, and then company makes you do all or some of that former persons workload, aren’t you entitled to a raise or pay bump?

Option A: say ok fine, do the extra work, for no extra money

Option B: tell them no unless you get a pay bump raise, they still say no raise

Option C: tell them no unless you get a pay bump raise, they say ok yes here’s x more $

Usually it’s option A or B

At one of my former J2s, every time someone quit (was usually the same few roles under the same few managers had a lot of churn), I was the one to pick up the slack for some of that roles tasks and responsibility for NO EXTRA MONEY. THEY JUST ADDED ON MORE WORK FOR ME. I ain’t this super manipulative, even after I ask them politely several times how is this fair? Shouldn’t I get a bit more pay for literally doing someone else’s job they used to pay them for?

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