
If the only choices I have in this society are working a job I completely hate or starving, I’m okay with starving to death.

I'm okay with killing myself or starving to death if that's the only other option I got. Death is preferable to a lifetime of misery spent working hard for a job that I hate and is making me incredibly depressed. It's a pretty easy choice: suffer for a few days and die, or suffer for a lifetime and die. I can't keep working a job that makes me so miserable that I end up being depressed and suicidal out of it. and I dont want to pump myself full of meds and drink myself to sleep just to be mentally numb all day so I can work my shift At this point I'm okay with dying. Not many will care, maybe my parents, but they too no longer wish to see me suffer like this either.

I'm okay with killing myself or starving to death if that's the only other option I got.

Death is preferable to a lifetime of misery spent working hard for a job that I hate and is making me incredibly depressed. It's a pretty easy choice: suffer for a few days and die, or suffer for a lifetime and die.

I can't keep working a job that makes me so miserable that I end up being depressed and suicidal out of it. and I dont want to pump myself full of meds and drink myself to sleep just to be mentally numb all day so I can work my shift

At this point I'm okay with dying. Not many will care, maybe my parents, but they too no longer wish to see me suffer like this either.

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