This is what every single person should be saying on the planet right now , with signs marching in front of there parliament building, and if they push we all push back harder and don’t stop no matter what they throw at us. We cant keep protesting with small groups with small agenda’s ( gun control, same sex marriages, who got screw come election time, mandates.. etc) they have no reward. I mean people in Europe will protest like hell over raised tuitions and win because they come out in hordes and stand firm.
America will march like hell for black lives matter and destroy a city damn near.
Canada will drive back and forth for mandates but give up after a little push back.
All in all it seems like they still need us to finish there plan which is why they still push back. So wake the fuck up, get off our lazy asses( i know its hard for a lot of people financially and such) but if we don’t set our differences aside and UNITE NOW we are going to be fighting and killing each other over whatever scraps are left for us( which is what they want). How the fuck is there shortages if food and fuel industries have already doubled or tripled there last years profits with in the first quarter. Lets not forget the banks, i’m sure them raising interest rates are keeping there profit equal to stay afloat . Lets show them that they had there fun and now we want to live in harmony( which they don’t want).
We are use to living this way and will be hard to give this up but if we don’t now( not come election time, cuz we all know where that is heading) it will be taken from us and will never have a chance again.
I’m ready. Anyone else?
“If we can’t live, you can’t profit”