
if we stop paying taxes would the system crumble?

Like I am all for this thread. We had a great thing going til that crazy BS on fox. Now I'm just sitting here wondering how long are we going to let these dinosaurs trample on us some more. Gas prices are insane yet companies are showing amazing profit margins. So I say…what happens if WE ALL just stop participating. Yeah they can fine you but you don't have to listen. Fuck them. They don't do shit for us now. Nor will they ever. The Left and The Right do not give a fuck about the people. Just their agenda. We are on our own. It's clear and present that it's all about money. So I say again. If we don't play along and tell them to fuck off what can they do about it other then bitch and complain..

Like I am all for this thread. We had a great thing going til that crazy BS on fox. Now I'm just sitting here wondering how long are we going to let these dinosaurs trample on us some more. Gas prices are insane yet companies are showing amazing profit margins. So I say…what happens if WE ALL just stop participating. Yeah they can fine you but you don't have to listen. Fuck them. They don't do shit for us now. Nor will they ever. The Left and The Right do not give a fuck about the people. Just their agenda. We are on our own. It's clear and present that it's all about money. So I say again. If we don't play along and tell them to fuck off what can they do about it other then bitch and complain..

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