
If we want change, we have to go out there and make it.

You want better working conditions? No work at all? Universal healthcare? Universal basic income? Go out there and do something about it. Join an organisation. You don’t have to make something new. Join one that most closely aligns with your values. Can be a party. Can be a union. Can be a local outreach group. Anything. Joining something that already exists is easier than founding something by yourself. Do small things. They will lead to bigger things. Get organised. One person may not be able to do too much. But many a one persons can. And we are many. Oh and most importantly: vote. A lot of big and small decisions are made by the people that we and the people around us vote into office. You don’t like the people that are in the ballot? Find a good independent candidate and vote for them, they will not win, but…

You want better working conditions? No work at all? Universal healthcare? Universal basic income? Go out there and do something about it. Join an organisation. You don’t have to make something new. Join one that most closely aligns with your values. Can be a party. Can be a union. Can be a local outreach group. Anything. Joining something that already exists is easier than founding something by yourself. Do small things. They will lead to bigger things. Get organised. One person may not be able to do too much. But many a one persons can. And we are many.

Oh and most importantly: vote. A lot of big and small decisions are made by the people that we and the people around us vote into office. You don’t like the people that are in the ballot? Find a good independent candidate and vote for them, they will not win, but if 20 percent of people instead of not going to the polls vote for an independent candidate, that’s the start of something. Start small. Get bigger. But do something.

Sorry, rant over!

(Edit: Accidentally posted without body)

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