
If you agree with tipping, I have a solution for you

Tip in advance. I guarantee you that it actually does work. You want that refill now? Tip in advance. Sure. You know you're going to tip well if they do a good job? Go ahead and start buying service. I assure you it works. If you prove to a server that you will give them money for better service, they will give you better service in exchange for money. Really the problem with tipping is that it is unreliable. Be the reliable tipper, by just purchasing good service up front. Tell the server “here is x additional dollars for good service right now, please pay attention to my drinks. I drink a lot of soda and I would like to not run out of my drink. I also would like additional cheddar bay biscuits.” They will hook you the fuck up right there. So yeah, go ahead and support the…

Tip in advance. I guarantee you that it actually does work. You want that refill now? Tip in advance. Sure. You know you're going to tip well if they do a good job? Go ahead and start buying service. I assure you it works. If you prove to a server that you will give them money for better service, they will give you better service in exchange for money. Really the problem with tipping is that it is unreliable. Be the reliable tipper, by just purchasing good service up front. Tell the server “here is x additional dollars for good service right now, please pay attention to my drinks. I drink a lot of soda and I would like to not run out of my drink. I also would like additional cheddar bay biscuits.” They will hook you the fuck up right there.

So yeah, go ahead and support the concept of tipping. Just understand that for a server, every customer is basically like opening a random present. Sometimes you get coal. You do your best for a good reward, but you have no idea who will actually tip well. So, if you go ahead and prove you tip well by purchasing service, instead of promising to pay for service later, you can get good service. If you remain a mystery, then no one cares. Be the meritocracy you wish to see in the world, and drop the cash. No one actually gives a fuck about etiquette just don't act condescending about it 🙂

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