
If you are going to take on

a force that is highly disciplined, highly organized, highly funded, like the United States fucking government, the military, any state apparatus, you are going to have to at least try to match their levels of organization and discipline and militancy. And so, anybody that says that you don’t need to organize, or downplays organization of any sort, is really leading us astray. We need organizations at every level. A communist party would be wonderful, but fuck, I’ll take one radical union. So the fundamental thing that all of can do, in this period of criss, knowing that things are not going in pretty directions over the next several years, is to try to get as absolutely organized as you possibly can. Breht O’shea ​ This is a quote from the recent episode of Upstream Podcast about revolutionary leftism that I can't get out of my head. With the railroad workers…

a force that is highly disciplined, highly organized, highly funded, like the United States fucking government, the military, any state apparatus, you are going to have to at least try to match their levels of organization and discipline and militancy. And so, anybody that says that you don’t need to organize, or downplays organization of any sort, is really leading us astray. We need organizations at every level. A communist party would be wonderful, but fuck, I’ll take one radical union. So the fundamental thing that all of can do, in this period of criss, knowing that things are not going in pretty directions over the next several years, is to try to get as absolutely organized as you possibly can.

Breht O’shea

This is a quote from the recent episode of Upstream Podcast about revolutionary leftism that I can't get out of my head. With the railroad workers striking, nurses striking, teachers striking, Amazon and Starbucks workers unionizing: now is the time to organize a general strike.

We need to think and plan mutual aid in order to facilitate a massive general strike. How will we feed each other, and the children? How can we provide safe housing when striking workers have no paycheck to pay the rent? How can we organize an economy for and by the workers, separate from the capitalist machine? This must be done at the local level, and not through social media.

But for right now, we can think of the roadblocks and brainstorm solutions. This has all been done before! There's no need to completely reinvent the wheel.

And if you're to listening to Upstream Podcast, you should be.

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