
If you can’t survive on minimum wage…

I was talking with an Asian lady another day. We talked about the labour market in Ontario. I said that I found it difficult to live in Toronto with a job that only pays me minimum wage. My landlord is selling the house, so I need a new place to live soon. And I have to save up first month and last month rent for my next lease while still paying rent for my current place. I do get two days off during the weekend..cuz there is no work during the week in my line of work. But I am usually too tired to even leave my bed after a freaking long week. I saw a post here about minimum wage and the yearly salary: $16.5/h gives me $34,000 a year. AND my rate is $15.5/h! Yeah, I was complaining. But the lady said I had all this easy…she said…

I was talking with an Asian lady another day. We talked about the labour market in Ontario. I said that I found it difficult to live in Toronto with a job that only pays me minimum wage. My landlord is selling the house, so I need a new place to live soon. And I have to save up first month and last month rent for my next lease while still paying rent for my current place. I do get two days off during the weekend..cuz there is no work during the week in my line of work. But I am usually too tired to even leave my bed after a freaking long week.

I saw a post here about minimum wage and the yearly salary: $16.5/h gives me $34,000 a year. AND my rate is $15.5/h!

Yeah, I was complaining. But the lady said I had all this easy…she said if I think $34,000 a year is not enough..then I should probably work 80 hours per week to double my salary…

I finished grad school last year. I spend nearly half a year to make my basic ends me so I don't have to keep draining my savings. I can't deal with any unexpected risk in my life right now or I will go broke.

Kids, if you don't have a deep deep deep passion in academia, stay away from grad school…or even university. Go to college and get two vocational certificates with one third of the price. Less student debt and gain more practical knowledge and skills. You won't be the one's with the highest degree in your peers, but you will be financially superior than many others.

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