
If you commute to work ask your employer to compensate your milage

Gas prices now average $5 a gallon and are expected to go up to $6.20 by August. For me personality this is currently costing me $200 a month or $300 a month if gas reaches $6 which it most certainly will. Imagine paying several hundred dollars a month just to get to work. I just sent an email to the benefits coordinators in my HR department to see if they would pay for my commute or let me WFH a few days a week to reduce the amount of miles I drive. Do I expect them to do anything. No but it was worth saying something.

Gas prices now average $5 a gallon and are expected to go up to $6.20 by August. For me personality this is currently costing me $200 a month or $300 a month if gas reaches $6 which it most certainly will. Imagine paying several hundred dollars a month just to get to work. I just sent an email to the benefits coordinators in my HR department to see if they would pay for my commute or let me WFH a few days a week to reduce the amount of miles I drive. Do I expect them to do anything. No but it was worth saying something.

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