
If you don’t see what I see, let me enlighten you.

America has a strong history in slavery, this will make sense shortly but bare with me. America outlawed slavery, but only if you’re not a criminal… now look at our justice system. But that’s not enough, labor is still taking chunks of profit, so let’s find ways to make it cheaper. Tie medical to working a full time job, so if you want to be able to see a doctor, you better be giving 40 hours a week to some big business. Because only big corporations can afford to give health care. Now that we have them locked into a 40 hour work week, let’s jack up the prices of everything and never raise wages. This does a few things: 1) removes free time from spouse that had the ability to stay home, by forcing them into the work force. Free time they used to protest injustices. Womens rights. 2)…

America has a strong history in slavery, this will make sense shortly but bare with me.

America outlawed slavery, but only if you’re not a criminal… now look at our justice system.

But that’s not enough, labor is still taking chunks of profit, so let’s find ways to make it cheaper.

Tie medical to working a full time job, so if you want to be able to see a doctor, you better be giving 40 hours a week to some big business. Because only big corporations can afford to give health care.

Now that we have them locked into a 40 hour work week, let’s jack up the prices of everything and never raise wages. This does a few things:

1) removes free time from spouse that had the ability to stay home, by forcing them into the work force. Free time they used to protest injustices. Womens rights.

2) forces the men, the sex that is usually more aggressive, to work longer hours. Leaving them exhausted and to tired to organize.

3) reinforces the need to give 40 hours a week to a job.

Now that we have removed the ability for them to fight back, we crank the prices higher, and remove the ability to say “fuck this job!” Because we can’t afford to not have a job longer then a week at most.

This builds a system that forces folks to work shitty jobs, or else die.

Can’t afford a house, food prices skyrocketing, and transportation?

Well if you can’t afford gas then that’s one more freedom you don’t have…

Well, then

America has a pandemic “shutdown” where only the smaller companies have to shut down. This hurts the lower class.

Folks realize life is short, and you only get one to spend with family. OR, only one life, why work as a wage slave?

Folks say I’d rather be poor and spend time with my family, then poor and exhausted.

They refuse to work shitty jobs the corporations have. And that…

That hurts the bottom line. Can’t have that.
Where do you think corps go when something in America isn’t going their way?

Bingo! To the law makers who’s pockets they line…

We are basically trying to escape slavery, that’s disguised as capitalism.

Disregard typos and the like, mobile hates long posts.

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