
If you give a manager a cookie, he will want one more

Over the past few weeks I have been putting in overtime voluntarily, partly because I wanted work done but partly because I wanted to see if my new manager would be greedy about it. Yesterday he asked me if I could come in early. I simply said “no.” His response was “Well I am going to need a better answer than no, why cant you do it?” “I am going to need a better answer than no.” He said that sentence to me without any hint of irony, jokingness, or insincerity. He said that as a full sentence expected to be taken seriously. I doubled down and just kept saying no. Kept telling him I have plans. When he asked what my plans were I told him that its none of his concern. I told him that there are only 8 hours in a day and that I could do…

Over the past few weeks I have been putting in overtime voluntarily, partly because I wanted work done but partly because I wanted to see if my new manager would be greedy about it. Yesterday he asked me if I could come in early. I simply said “no.” His response was “Well I am going to need a better answer than no, why cant you do it?”

“I am going to need a better answer than no.” He said that sentence to me without any hint of irony, jokingness, or insincerity. He said that as a full sentence expected to be taken seriously.

I doubled down and just kept saying no. Kept telling him I have plans. When he asked what my plans were I told him that its none of his concern. I told him that there are only 8 hours in a day and that I could do what needed to be done if I wasn't put on time consuming projects that he put me on. He upped his stupidity and said “well there is only 8 hours in a day, that is why we have overtime.” I still kept refusing and this morning I started my day promptly at my scheduled time and not a minute earlier.

As a worker, never forget that you have to fight EVERY BATTLE. If you give your managers an inch, THEY WILL TAKE A MILE. What you do as a favor today will become routine tomorrow. Always say no, always refuse to do things you're not comfortable with. YOUR FREE TIME IS NOT YOUR AVAILABLE TIME. We give half of our waking hours to our jobs, don't let them get a single minute more. You don't owe them any explanation as to why not, just say NO.

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