
If you live in a tip based country it is morally required for you to tip.

There’s been some discourse over the past few days about how a tip based pay system (usually restaurants) is bad (true). It has the server work for ridiculously low wages (2.13/hr- state minimum depending bc on your state) and customers supplement this income through tips. It’s pretty stupid, but if you know that’s the system your server is working in you have a moral obligation to tip and to tip well. If you can’t afford the food + tip then don’t go out. By not tipping/tipping poorly you are choosing to contribute to an exploitative system in a way that hurts workers. You are complicit. This doesn’t even mention that many restaurants make servers tip out bartenders, cooks, dishwashers. While not everywhere, many times a server pays these positions a % of your bill. If you only tip 5-10% there’s a very real chance that your server literally had to…

There’s been some discourse over the past few days about how a tip based pay system (usually restaurants) is bad (true). It has the server work for ridiculously low wages (2.13/hr- state minimum depending bc on your state) and customers supplement this income through tips. It’s pretty stupid, but if you know that’s the system your server is working in you have a moral obligation to tip and to tip well. If you can’t afford the food + tip then don’t go out. By not tipping/tipping poorly you are choosing to contribute to an exploitative system in a way that hurts workers. You are complicit. This doesn’t even mention that many restaurants make servers tip out bartenders, cooks, dishwashers. While not everywhere, many times a server pays these positions a % of your bill. If you only tip 5-10% there’s a very real chance that your server literally had to pay a % of your bill out of their own pockets to other staff members.

The fact that so many people on here are okay with bad tipping is concerning. It directly plays into the narrative that r/antiwork only cares about itself.

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