
If you think your employer is fucking incompetent, you’re probably right

Throwaway account. First time posting. More of a rant than anything. When Covid hit in 2020 it demolished the sweet gig I had going. I job hopped like a bunny on crack for most of the year working jobs I would have never done in any other normal year (ah the Before Times, how I miss them. Sort of.) I had become desperate for something stable so when I got a notification about a sales position I had applied for, one of hundreds I might add, I shrugged and went through the whole interview process. The pay was below what I would have normally gotten, but slightly better than the other offers at the time. I've never seen an owner of a company kibosh as many meetings with prospective clients as this owner did. I can't say his name exactly as it was a very small business and I'd rather…

Throwaway account. First time posting. More of a rant than anything.

When Covid hit in 2020 it demolished the sweet gig I had going. I job hopped like a bunny on crack for most of the year working jobs I would have never done in any other normal year (ah the Before Times, how I miss them. Sort of.)

I had become desperate for something stable so when I got a notification about a sales position I had applied for, one of hundreds I might add, I shrugged and went through the whole interview process. The pay was below what I would have normally gotten, but slightly better than the other offers at the time.

I've never seen an owner of a company kibosh as many meetings with prospective clients as this owner did. I can't say his name exactly as it was a very small business and I'd rather keep my own identity anonymous for the time being. So his alias will be something fitting. Dimwit Bob. Anyways, Dimwit Bob being Dimwit Bob couldn't keep his god damned mouth shut during a meeting with a prospect and would always, 100% of the time, end up driving them away and be left scratching his head wondering why the hell they won't call back to seal the deal. I certainly didn't win every meeting I had with a prospect, but I did convert prospects to clients.

They didn't last long as clients. Dimwit Bob would fail to meet their expectations and, surprise surprise, they walked. My work was essentially meaningless. There were many issues that festered which led to my leaving, a broken promise of increased pay being the main factor. His abusive behavior was a close second. So I walked. I should have walked much sooner but lesson learned.

That was about a year ago. Today I learned ol' Dimwit has been using a company credit card with my name on it. He's had an entire year to fix that but to the shock of no one, he hasn't done a thing. It took my bank calling me informing me about a transaction that had been flagged. The card was registered to Dimwit's company, but with my name.

I cancelled the card, of course, and reported Dimwit and his company for identity fraud. What a fucking idiot. I feel sorry for anyone who has to put up with an employer who is not only an asshole, but a stupid asshole.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

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