
If you want me on time, you need to be on time.

My boss asked me to come in and work 10am-12pm on Sunday to help with something, so I showed up at 9:55am and waited 30 minutes for the boss, or anyone, to show up. They didn't. I went to another place nearby to ask for a pen, paper, and tape to leave a note at the door saying I was there when I was asked to, and that nobody showed up so I left at 10:30. If you ask someone to work extra time before their shift, AT LEAST SHOW UP WHEN YOU ASK THEM TO. The door was locked so I couldn't have even gone in. This is bullshit. I have location history, too, so I can show them I waited from 9:55am until 10:35am. EDIT, addition: I'm back home now and I'm just going to play something until the shift I am actually scheduled for today unless I…

My boss asked me to come in and work 10am-12pm on Sunday to help with something, so I showed up at 9:55am and waited 30 minutes for the boss, or anyone, to show up. They didn't. I went to another place nearby to ask for a pen, paper, and tape to leave a note at the door saying I was there when I was asked to, and that nobody showed up so I left at 10:30.

If you ask someone to work extra time before their shift, AT LEAST SHOW UP WHEN YOU ASK THEM TO. The door was locked so I couldn't have even gone in.

This is bullshit. I have location history, too, so I can show them I waited from 9:55am until 10:35am.

EDIT, addition: I'm back home now and I'm just going to play something until the shift I am actually scheduled for today unless I am called in. Like I replied to a comment, I only said I'd work this because I need the money.

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