
If you want to forgive student debt without also giving free schooling to those of the future

You are only considering your current problems and nobody else’s. The school loan crisis is terrible but all I see are people talking about how it affects them and not necessarily how it’ll affect everyone else in the future. “Just wave the wand over me and everything will be fine.” You expect a bandaid then what? The system continues as normal and your kids get price gouged? Why not? Free tuition with a sub category of eliminating previous student debt.

You are only considering your current problems and nobody else’s.

The school loan crisis is terrible but all I see are people talking about how it affects them and not necessarily how it’ll affect everyone else in the future.

“Just wave the wand over me and everything will be fine.”

You expect a bandaid then what? The system continues as normal and your kids get price gouged?

Why not? Free tuition with a sub category of eliminating previous student debt.

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