
If you want to push WFH it can be done. You just need to push past the resistance

WFH during Covid. Then had to move interstate so my partner could look after his mum. Told them I was moving (6 months notice). Direct manager and office manager were on board WFH, no problems. 2 months out, HR said no, it’s not impossible, we can’t set a standard, it’s too complicated being interstate. Fine, I have to quit. They can’t replace me, market is tight, highly skilled in a rural area. Managers are upset and happy to hire me as a contractor at twice the money WFH. Even then, HR still says no we can’t keep you. Manager sends email asking how long until they can onboard me as contractor since I am lead designer on a big project and they are already short staffed. HR forwards email to big bosses saying the nerve of my manager. Big bosses ask why can’t we keep her? She’s a great designer.…

WFH during Covid. Then had to move interstate so my partner could look after his mum. Told them I was moving (6 months notice). Direct manager and office manager were on board WFH, no problems. 2 months out, HR said no, it’s not impossible, we can’t set a standard, it’s too complicated being interstate. Fine, I have to quit. They can’t replace me, market is tight, highly skilled in a rural area. Managers are upset and happy to hire me as a contractor at twice the money WFH. Even then, HR still says no we can’t keep you. Manager sends email asking how long until they can onboard me as contractor since I am lead designer on a big project and they are already short staffed. HR forwards email to big bosses saying the nerve of my manager. Big bosses ask why can’t we keep her? She’s a great designer. Turns out, I worked on one of the big bosses projects (different office). I helped them when no one in their office could (All remotely). Once the question was asked, apparently there was no real reason it couldn’t be done. Turns out There are multiple people doing it just not asking HR. HR were just too lazy to work out how to make it happen. Shot themselves in the foot by cc’ing the bigger bosses then they were forced to work it out.

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