
If you want to work hard and are willing to make compromises you can BE “SUCCESSFUL” . AM I WRONG?

If you currently work a minimum wage job, have no college degree, and aren't particularly talented in anyway can you be “successful”? That's a question I like to ask myself sometimes and I believe the answer is yes, unlike many other people on this sub. I believe if you decide you wont buy the newest best phone and opt for something that's cheaper or maybe used and apply this to not only phones but everything else too. And yes its definitely not nice to live with trying to save a buck everywhere you can but if you do that for a couple years and invest that money into something safe like the S&P 500. You can reliably make a good bit of extra money. If you then use that money to start your own business instead of blowing that money on something you don't necessarily need then you can catapult…

If you currently work a minimum wage job, have no college degree, and aren't particularly talented in anyway can you be “successful”?

That's a question I like to ask myself sometimes and I believe the answer is yes, unlike many other people on this sub. I believe if you decide you wont buy the newest best phone and opt for something that's cheaper or maybe used and apply this to not only phones but everything else too. And yes its definitely not nice to live with trying to save a buck everywhere you can but if you do that for a couple years and invest that money into something safe like the S&P 500. You can reliably make a good bit of extra money. If you then use that money to start your own business instead of blowing that money on something you don't necessarily need then you can catapult yourself from minimum wage to possibly even top 10%.

Obviously there is risk involved but if you fail you just have to try again.

Elon Musk didn't have hacks and the system isn't rigged he just worked his way up and he knows how to use the system properly.

Before you reply saying this is a pipe dream, that's not how it works, and the system is still rigged just think about this: Have you ever started a business? if not how can expect to get more money if you're being payed a certain amount every month and you're not doing anything to increase it.

I wrote this to encourage people to pursue their dreams, to take risks, and to improve their lives. If you disagree with me I would like to hear your arguments but not your insults. Thank you

All the best,


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