
If you work in the information technology field, and being paid salary.. you may qualify for 3x back pay for the past three years. This was the case I stumbled on, the last week of my employment in 2008. It’s been a long time ago, but that article should give you some solid leads. here is the DOL document on it here an even longer GOV article about it Not going to read all that AGAIN, spent the last night I worked for the company in my hotel room reading all of them, and writing up a document to give to the CFO the following day. There is some details like you may have to make under $28 an hour I think.. it’s a worthwhile read if you may remotely be eligible. I have preplanned stuff to do today, so I don’t have the time to reread all the documents and details.. The company I went after was relocating out of state, and I found this on a Wednesday, that Friday…

This was the case I stumbled on, the last week of my employment in 2008. It’s been a long time ago, but that article should give you some solid leads.

here is the DOL document on it

here an even longer GOV article about it

Not going to read all that AGAIN, spent the last night I worked for the company in my hotel room reading all of them, and writing up a document to give to the CFO the following day.

There is some details like you may have to make under $28 an hour I think.. it’s a worthwhile read if you may remotely be eligible. I have preplanned stuff to do today, so I don’t have the time to reread all the documents and details..

The company I went after was relocating out of state, and I found this on a Wednesday, that Friday was to be my last day. So they had to give me my severance package, 199 weeks of unemployment, plus a nice little extra check.

Imagine finding this just hours from being permanently laid off, right as the 2008 crash hit, and everyone was unable to find jobs. It was a real blessing in my life, and I haven’t paid one dime in rent/mortgage since the settlement. 14 years of no rent or mortgage is definitely life changing.

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