
Ignorant boss who only cares for his own health

My now ex-boss (I quit two days ago yay) has been always very annoying with the health safety. I mean I get it too, I also was pretty scared since the Covid, so it’s only logical to be cautious of your surroundings and co-workers. Anyway, the covid rules have been lifted in my country for about a year now but whenever I would even slightly so sneeze around him, he would 100% throw shade about it during our department meetings. I remember this particular time when I was on my period and I had a horrible headache, so I spent most of the day working in a separated work area (we have these rooms you can use for focus hours) just to avoid talking to anyone. He assumed that my headache was an after effect of some sort of virus or a flu and told me to use my sick…

My now ex-boss (I quit two days ago yay) has been always very annoying with the health safety. I mean I get it too, I also was pretty scared since the Covid, so it’s only logical to be cautious of your surroundings and co-workers. Anyway, the covid rules have been lifted in my country for about a year now but whenever I would even slightly so sneeze around him, he would 100% throw shade about it during our department meetings. I remember this particular time when I was on my period and I had a horrible headache, so I spent most of the day working in a separated work area (we have these rooms you can use for focus hours) just to avoid talking to anyone. He assumed that my headache was an after effect of some sort of virus or a flu and told me to use my sick days (we get 4 every year).
What pissed me off was his hypocrisy. A few weeks ago about ten of my coworkers, including my boss, went out to play basketball on Friday after work. On Monday, my boss sent us an email saying that he had a high temperature and he won’t be coming in. A few hours later our HR warned us that some of the people who went out to play on Friday were tested positive for Covid. I guess you can draw a connection here. Now imagine how surprised I was to see him coming to work the next day. When I asked him if he was better and whether he has tested for covid, he told me that i was imagining things and that his fever had nothing to do with the people who got covid. I was very pissed off about that since he would always give me a hard time about stuff like that. I spent the rest of the week isolating myself from him (just in case) since he might have been sick

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