
Ignore the lost generation subreddit attempts to progandise a systemic sabotage.

Millenial's, and generation Z mostly will never retire from working. Your whole life will be at a cashier passing change back, and forth. So what are you even going to do about it? If you have your destiny in mind at your seventies how will you make a life course correction? You have spent months scrolling anti-work, and the lost generation subreddits. You know what I think of most all of you? That you have a turn on for feeling dread in your future. You don't want to change your doom; nooo… You just want to get off from it.

Millenial's, and generation Z mostly will never retire from working.
Your whole life will be at a cashier passing change back, and forth.
So what are you even going to do about it?
If you have your destiny in mind at your seventies how will you make a life course correction?
You have spent months scrolling anti-work, and the lost generation subreddits.
You know what I think of most all of you?
That you have a turn on for feeling dread in your future.
You don't want to change your doom; nooo…
You just want to get off from it.

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